For this, Lorenzo Scampoli is totally available to help the developers with the italian translation. In this case who translated the software wrote “squilla”, that could be hard to understand for who never used the software and doesn’t know where find all the things he needs. For example “ring” transalted in italian could be “squilla” (that is the related to phones, ringbells etc…), or “anello” (that is related also to fireworks). Since we are italian, we use FWsim in italian, we noticed some small mistakes because some of the english words have another meaning if translated in italian literally. Spanish translation: also this is a good news for all the spanish speaker. Point Positions and Multi-Select available in all editions: we just say… FINALLY! Thank you Lukas. Congratulations and thank you to the developers and to the sound designer!

You will be able to listen the new sounds without music.

We decided to test the new sounds in our new traditional italian classic fireworks display. It would be great add other sounds of the same kind and randomize them, so the shows will be also more realistic. The new realistic sounds make the show more “real” and the effect using a good audio system is fantastic. Anyway, contact us and let us know what do you think about this point and we’ll update this post with all your opinions.Ĭompletely new sounds, designed by Norwegian sound designer Dan Wakefield: this is the most important update in this edition, in our opinion. P.S.: This is already possible! Just press F5 or open the Preferences.Įnormous Performance Improvements: well, in this case we didn’t see lots of improvements but maybe because in fast computers with SSD instead HDD there are no big differences. Maybe an option able to enable and disable this function would be great, since testing it in a less powerful computer, it can make some small problems when a lot of fireworks appear on the screen. It is not possible to observe the live preview going backwards, for now, but it is a great evolution. There is no longer the need to press the play button each time to check the overall effect of the fireworks put together. Live Preview: it was necessary, it is finally available. We are going to talk about some of the improvments of this edition.

Here the changelog summary, published in the FWsim’s Facebook Page:

Finally! The new version of FWsim is available!